An innovative product for tire tread extrusion measurement is being showcased by Starrett-Bytewise Measurement Systems. Profilometer3D utilizes high-speed CrossCheck2T dual triangulating line laser sensors to scan the top and bottom sides of tread and sidewall extrusions for off-line quality checking. The Profilometer 3D delivers 0.25% to 0.5% material savings by enabling a reduction in die centering error down to 25 microns or less.
Profilometer3D digitizes a 25mm wide section across the tread and presents the result both as an average profile and a visual image. The 3D data set enables analysis over a larger area of the tread, so it characterizes the tread topography far better than is possible with a single track scan by a fixed-point laser. The visual image allows extremely precise location of die lines (25 micron width resolution), needed for improved die design capability. This breakthrough, combined with higher resolution dual triangulation sensors, results in a 4x reduction in measurement uncertainty. Tire makers can exploit this improvement to reduce the excess rubber consumed by running the extrusion heavy, while still confidently meeting demanding quality standards. Profilometer3D is built on a monolithic granite super-structure supplied by Starrett Tru-Stone Technologies. Profilometer3D is patent-pending.
Find out more at booth 4170 at Tire Technology Expo 2015.